Defy Gravity, in everything we do

Defy Gravity, in everything we do

Our vision and mission

In Spider City you will experience an unforgettable adventure. In our indoor climbing experience you move, learn about the beauty and fragility of nature and push your limits. We therefore have a mission:

Experience fun and growth together through an adventure in Spider City

You will grow through the adventure you experience in Spider City. The adventure challenges you and you learn to trust yourself. Thanks to the unique climbing environment, you will be connected with each other, but also with nature. Spider City has a vision:

An earth where everyone feels connected through playing and learning

Spider City is about more than fun, we are a Social Enterprise that is committed to a more inclusive society.

In social entrepreneurship, making an impact is number 1. Spider City is part of Fun Forest and this organization is affiliated with Social Enterprise NL, an organization that connects and strengthens social entrepreneurs. To become a member of Social Enterprise NL you must meet several conditions. These were as follows, the organization:

  • Meets the European definition of a social enterprise.

  • Operates primarily based on a social mission; impact first.

  • Sees financial gain as a means (not as an end).

  • Realizes impact as an independent company that provides a service or product.

  • Is transparent and fair to everyone.

  • Bases governance and policy on balanced ownership of all those involved.